PeruInca represento al Peru bajo la direccion de la Folklorista Rosa Carhuallanqui en el National Geographic Explorers Festival en George Washington University in Washigton DC. Milenaria tradicion peruana atravez de la musica,canto ,danzas y vestuario que dieron vida a la magia de los andes peruanos. Una presentacion exclusiva para You grant E2K and National Geographic Society.
PeruInca represented Peru under the direction of Folklorist Rosa Carhuallanqui at the National Geographic Explorers Festival at George Washington University in Washington DC. Millennial Peruvian tradition through the music, singing, dances and costumes that gave life to the magic of the Peruvian Andes. An exclusive presentation for You grant E2K and Naional Geographic Society.
PeruInca represented Peru under the direction of Folklorist Rosa Carhuallanqui at the National Geographic Explorers Festival at George Washington University in Washington DC. Millennial Peruvian tradition through the music, singing, dances and costumes that gave life to the magic of the Peruvian Andes. An exclusive presentation for You grant E2K and Naional Geographic Society.